Central and Eastern European Survey
Speech Recognition & Synthesis Laboratory (SRSL)
Institute of Engineering Cybernetics (IEC) National Ac.of Sc. of Belarus
Full-time permanent staff:
1. Boris Lobanov - Head of the Laboratory, Prof., Dr.Sc.: Speech-to-Text
and Text-to-Speech modelling, speaker-independent
speech recognition problems.
2. Georgy Losik - Senior Researcher, PhD: Modelling speaker-listener
interaction, computer-based systems for the blind.
3. Nikolay Degtyaryov - Senior Researcher, PhD: Discrete and connected
words recognition, word spotting.
4. Tatiana Levkovskaya - Researcher, PhD: Speech-to-text recognition,
spectrum and signal based features extraction.
5. Aleksander Ivanov - Researcher, PhD: Microwaves-based
text-to-speech synthesis.
6. Andrey Kubashin - Researcher: speech systems design.
7. Andrey Zhukov - Researcher: digital signals analysis.
8. Igor Kheidorov - Researcher: HMM-based recognition.
9. Slava Gomov - Engineer-programmer: Computer telephony applications.
10. Igor Loboda - Engineer-programmer: Computer telephony applications.
11.Jury Palchevsky - Engineer-programmer: Computer-based systems for
the blind.
12.Valentina Grinchik - Assistant-researcher: Computer-based systems for
the blind.
Half-time permanent staff:
1. Elena Karnevskaya - Senior researcher, Prof., Dr.Sc.: Multilingual
rules-based text-to-speech synthesis, expert
knowledge-based recognition of visual spectrograms.
2. Victor Shaternik - Researcher : Formant analysis and synthesis