Central and Eastern European Survey
General Info
Speech Recognition & Synthesis Laboratory (SRSL)
Institute of Engineering Cybernetics (IEC) National Ac.of Sc. of Belarus
Type of Organisation: public
Number of Employees: 10-50
Activities developed: Research, Education.
The Laboratory was founded in 1974 first as a
department of the Central Institute of the Ministry of Telecommunications and
then, from 1986 as a present department. From this time the following
soft&hardware systems were created:
- a multi-lingual model of speech synthesis from text
based on the formants speech signal description. Languages: Russian,
English, German and French;
- a multilingual model of speech synthesis from text
based on the microwaves(MW) speech signal description. Languages: Russian,
Belarussian, Ukrainian, Polish and Czech;
- the PHONEMAPHONE - the first PC-based Russian text-to-speech
synthesizer providing high intelligibility and sufficient naturalness of synthetic
speech. It is utilized in the several commercial products: telephone services,
workstations for the blind, Russian oral speech training systems, transport
and in some other applications;
- a knowledge-based phonemic interpretation model of the spoken
Russian words.
- a model of discrete words recognition. It provides robust
real-time PC-based speaker-independent words (about 100) recognition and
is designed for computer telephony applications;
- a model of noise-resistant connected words recognition with
problem-oriented vocabulary designed for aircraft applications;
Current research projects:
- creation of a high quality text-to-speech synthesis model based
on allophonic wave-vorms speech signal representation and on syntax-
morphological analysis of reading text;
- creation of a DTW & HMM-based robust speech recognizer
providing speaker-and channel independent words recognition
for computer telephony applications;
Programming Languages and Operating Systems:
- ASSEMBLER and C++ on MS-DOS;
- C++, Visual C++ V4.0 on WINDOWS 95.
Computing and Communications Facilities:
- different models of COMPAQ - PENTIUM including
- different types of Sound Cards and Voice-Modems;
- Internet, E-mail.
The collaborative activities in 1995-1997 include participation in the
following international projects:
- "Bilingual Speech Synthesis - German/Russian". Participant:
University of Dresden, Germany. Foundation: FTU Karlsruhe.
- "Creation of Linguistic Resources and Pilot Applications". Participants:
University of Saarbrücken, Germany; University of Manchester, U.K.;
Institute of Information Problems, Russia. Foundation: INTAS.
- "Research and Creation of Noise-Resistant Speech Recognition Algorithm".
Foundation: French Ministry of Defence.
- "Investigation the Robustness of Speech Recognition through Telephone".
Foundation: NovCom Corporation, USA.
- "Library Workstation for Blind". Foundation: SOROS, USA.
- "School E-mail station for Blind". Foundation: SOROS, USA.