
Central and Eastern European Survey


Language Typology
Institute of Oriental Studies


1. Nino Amiridze - Georgian Morphology and Syntax. Language Typology.
The grammatical System of the Kartvelian languages.
2. Rusudan Asatiani - Typology of Syntax Constructions.The grammatical
Categories of the Kartvelian language. Georgian Morphology.
3. Manana Gobronidze - Translation and interpretation of Arabian's
phonetic treatises.
4. Donara Grigorashvili - Semantical and functional analysis of
5. Marina Ivanishvili - Comparative analysis of Flora and Fauna lexemes
in the Kartvelian languages.
6. Marika Jikia - The analysis of Turkish morphemes. Turkish loan words
in Georgian.
7. Aleko Jordania - The analysis of the Arabian dialects.
8. Irina Melikishvili - Comparison of the Indo-Europian and the
Kartvelian root structures. Phonological structure of the root.
Main models of roots in the Kartvelian languages.
9. Nana Saganelidze - Phonological analysis of the Armenian phonemes.
10. Eteri Soselia - Analysis of the relation terms. Universal signs of
the color terms.

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