
Central and Eastern European Survey

ELSNET is the European Network in Human Language Technologies (http://www.elsnet.org)
This page is http://elsnet.let.uu.nl/survey/DepartmentofComputerScienceRO3400ClujNapocaRomania/index.html
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Department of Computer Science
outstanding achievements: research projects: An Experimental Grammar for Romanian Language education and training: For Master in Computer Science and Engineering (MCSE), the course "Intelligent Systems", held by Prof. Ioan Alfred LETIA, PhD, includes a chapter that covers...[more]

Technical University of Cluj-Napoca
Department of Computer Science
Baritiu 26
Cluj-Napoca RO-3400
Phone: +40 (64) 194491
Fax: +40 (64) 194491
WWW: http://www.utcluj.ro/utcn/AC/cs/index.html
Email: calin@utcluj.ro

Contact Person: Emil Stefan Chifu

Additional Info: Email emil@utcluj.ro

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