Central and Eastern European Survey
Department of Computer Science
Technical University of Cluj-Napoca
- Willingnes to receive PhD students: YES
- Research areas for PhD supervision: Natural Language Semantics; Natural Language Understanding;
Unification-Based Grammars; Head-Driven Phrase Structure Grammars;
Modelling the Romanian Language; Applications of Natural Language
Processing (Controlled languages in specific application areas, e.g. the
(natural) language of software specification, Natural language interfaces
to agent systems
- Average number of PhD students every year: 5
- Events organised regularly: Seminars, Workshops, PhD
scientific report presentations.
- List of Events:
Event Title: ACM Summer School "Intelligent and Natural language Interfaces", Belis-Fantanele, Romania, 14-20 July, 1996 Duration: 1 week, summer of 1996 Lecturer(s): Hans USZKOREIT (DFKI Saarbrüken, Germany), Bonnie WEBER (University of Pennsylvania, USA), Sandra CHARBERRY (University of
Delaware, USA), Ioan Alfred LETIA (Technical University of Cluj-Napoca,
Romania), Dan CRISTEA (University "Al.I. Cuza" Iasi, Romania)
Event Title: Workshops Duration: weekly Lecturer(s): presentations (with discutions) held by PhD students, under the supervision of Prof. Ioan Alfred LETIA, PhD, supervisor of PhD
students in the area of NLP
Event Title: PhD scientific report presentations Duration: monthly, in regular Department meetings Lecturer(s): presentations held by PhD students, under the supervision of Prof. Ioan Alfred LETIA, PhD, head of
Department and supervisor of PhD students in the area of