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Semantic annotation

The semantic annotation was performed on head nouns of arguments and modifiers, as well as on modifier nouns of arguments. They were assigned a semantic type according to the SIMPLE guidelines. The goal was to be as precise as possible using the most restrictive type possible. In addition, the nouns were assembled in domains, where such a classification seemed interesting and telling with respect to the semantic and syntactic features of the specific verb they occured with.

Although the SIMPLE guidelines seem very detailed, there nevertheless arose some problems for the annotation. Some of the words did not seem to fit in any of the classes, e.g. Frisur refers to the way hair is cut and styled, it is something typical of mankind, yet it is not a 'body part', nor 'clothing', and it seems also awkward to classify simply as 'artifact'. Consequently, it was classified with two semtypes, 'artifact' (produced by man) and 'body part'. Another word which was hard to classify is Tote (someone dead), it is a human being, however, it is not a 'living entity' (the superclass of 'human'). The counterpart 'dead entity' does not exist. Thus, it was classified as a 'organic object', which seems rather far fetched. The word Bühne (stage ) as well seemed problematic. It is neither really a 'part of a building' nor 'furniture', 'artifact' and 'location' on the other hand also seemed odd. Thus, again, it was classified with two semtypes: 'part of building' and 'furniture'.

The results were stored in a database.

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Hannah Kermes