
Central and Eastern European Survey

ELSNET is the European Network in Human Language Technologies (http://www.elsnet.org)
This page is http://elsnet.let.uu.nl/survey/SpeechAcousticsLaboratoryPL00049WarsawPoland/index.html
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Speech Acoustics Laboratory
The Speech Acoustics Laboratory group has 3 persons involved in speech research area. More, one person is actually on leave at the Stuttgart University. The main points of the laboratory research activities are: 1. Speech acoustics and phonetic description of speech signal for Polish....[more]

Institute of Fundamental Technological Research, Polish Academy of Sciences
Speech Acoustics Laboratory
Swietokrzyska st., 21
Warsaw PL 00-049
Phone: +48 22 8261281 ext.223
Fax: +48 22 8269815
WWW: http://www.ippt.gov.pl
Email: rgubryn@ippt.gov.pl

Contact Person: Ryszard Gubrynowicz

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