
Central and Eastern European Survey


Department of General Linguistics
Vilnius University


Girdenis, Aleksas, professor, habil. Dr., head of the Department - General
Linguistics (especially Theoretical Phonology), Experimental Phonetics,
Lithuanian Dialectology, Historical Phonetics, Speech Analysis and
Synthesis, Prosody of Poetic Texts, etc.Babickienë, Zofija, docent,
Dr. - General Linguistics (especially Lexicology), Dialectology, Lithuanian
as a Second Language.
Jasiûnaitë, Birutë, Dr. - Dialectology (Phonology, Phonetics and
Kliukienë, Regina, Dr. - Phonetics of the Lithuanian Dialects and
Standard Lithuanian.
Peèeliûnaitë, Angelë, Dr. - Computers, Speech
Skirmantas, Petras, docent, Dr. - Computers and Linguistics, Speech
Synthesis, Mathematical Linguistics, Prosody of Poetic Texts.

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